Eating foods made with white flour is like eating candy.
It’s sweet, it’s refined, and it’s completely empty of real nutrients. Packaging of these products has words like enriched, fortified, whole wheat, and multi-grain. But labels are purposefully misleading. The reality is that most of these products contain pesticides, bleaches, synthetic additives (often based on petroleum byproducts), large amounts of added gluten, preservatives to prolong shelf life, lots of sweeteners, and other harmful ingredients that can wreak havoc on your health. The commercial milling and processing of white flour renders it useless as a food.
Eating commercial foods made with white flour is linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, allergies, gut maladies, and even cancer. If you’re eating any foods made with white flour, it’s time to cut them out of your diet. This includes bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, cakes, pastries, and anything else made with white flour.
But what about whole grain?
Commercial whole grain flour is produced in much the same way that white flour is produced. So we’re still ingesting pesticides. We’re still eating “food” that has been manipulated to the point of no nutritive value. We’re still reading labels designed to make us think we’re making wise food choices.
Does this mean we can’t eat breads again?
Thankfully there is a way to have our bread and eat it too. It isn’t as easy as grabbing a ready made loaf off the shelf, but once you start milling your own flour and making your own breads, muffins, pancakes, etc., you will never want to go back. You’ll know exactly what’s going into your food. You’ll be able to control quality and freshness. You’ll be eating nutritious, nourishing, delicious bread.
Milling your own flour is actually quite easy – and it’s a great way to get the most out of your whole grains. All you need is a good quality grain mill. There are many different types of grain mills on the market, so take some time to research before you buy. Once you have your grain mill, simply follow the instructions to mill your own flour. It’s really that simple!
Not sure if you really want to go this route?
Try it with an inexpensive coffee grinder like this one. Get Einkorn Berries (the original wheat with just 14 chromosomes) here and make the most delicious cream of wheat you’ve ever eaten. Get the recipe here.