As a Christian woman, you understand the importance of taking care of your body. You want to honor God by treating your body as a temple (1 Corinthians 6:19). You THINK you eat healthy and you try to exercise regularly. However, despite all your efforts, you seem to be gaining weight instead of losing it. Could inflammation be the culprit?

You May Not See It

Many people think of inflammation as a visible swelling that happens when they get a cut or a bruise. However, it can also happen inside our bodies, not visible to the naked eye. This hidden type can cause damage to our organs and tissues, leading to chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Inflammation can also hinder your weight loss goals! Research has shown that inflammation and weight gain are connected. If your body experiences chronic inflammation, it can make it harder to lose weight. Some common symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, skin rashes, poor sleep, and digestive issues. Do you have any of these? What would it mean to no longer suffer with just one symptom?

Food Causes Inflammation

Eating foods high in sugar, processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats can increase inflammation in your body. Conversely, eating a diet high in healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can decrease inflammation in your body. It’s essential to eat a healthy, balanced diet to reduce inflammation. Shop the perimeter of the store. Avoid boxed, bagged, and canned food as much as possible. READ LABELS. Educate yourself about synthetic foods and food additives and AVOID them. Find a mentor or accountability partner and help each other reach your goals.

Toxins Cause It

We are bombarded by environmental toxins everyday. Did you know that the average American gets most of their toxin exposure in their own homes?

  • harmful vapors from cleaning products
  • candles & plugins
  • personal hygiene products with “dirty” ingredients
  • everyday household products like detergents, cleaners, dryer sheets

Clean up your environment. Again, educate yourself and read labels. Don’t trust the front of the label, look at the small print on the reverse side.

You Can Reduce Inflammation

Because inflammation is linked to chronic diseases, it’s important to take steps to reduce it. You can do this by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, reducing stress, getting adequate rest avoiding smoking, etc.. I can’t help you make better choices about your lifestyle, but I CAN help you, nonetheless. Let me introduce you to a new, patented technology that drastically reduces inflammation. Learn about it here, then let’s talk.